Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Sunny Day in Santa Monica

Today was a beautiful sunny day in Santa Monica. It rained overnight so there was a freshness to the air this morning. Some friends made brunch plans to go to our favorite place in Santa Monica, Jack N' Jills. Obviously, it's always a place that we love to go. We've gone so often that one of the girls that works there (Neva) actually has my order down cold. And it's not just a simple...I'll take the garden omelet, but rather it's Rob's Combo, Chocolate Chip Pecan Pancakes, without the Pecans. For the eggs, egg-whites scrambled, and choice of meat is Turkey Sausage. And a coffee. Impressive.

It was also good to see some of our friends make their way over to Santa Monica to accommodate us and allow us to make it out to brunch with them. Going all the way Redondo Beach might not have worked out. Although Lara has been great, it's nice to stay in the neighborhood. Plus, we haven't driven out too far with her yet. Plus, it's nice to have friends that make that effort to see us and the baby.

Nadeem and Farah joined us only for the initial brunch at Jack N' Jills. Ultimately, we ended up spending much of the day with Noreen and Moin. We walked around Santa Monica Place for a bit and then ended up on Montana Ave. with them. It was fun and it was great to be out with Lara almost all day. Oh yeah, and Lara got to wear daddy's aviators around. As you can see, she makes it look good...

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