Wednesday, November 17, 2010

First Halloween for Lara the Glo Worm

At 2 weeks into the world we couldn't imagine skipping out on Lara's first Halloween. Remembering how much fun Halloween was as a kid, we were determined to make a costume for our little baby. Luckily, Santa Monica living is convenient, and one block away was a Michael's store. Since Lara weighed in at a mere 6 lbs and change, we needed a costume just as small and adorable. I really had my heart set on recreating a gloworm outfit, a little nostalgic nod for one of my favorite toys as a child. I made a quick trip to the store while Lara took her nap. Upon entering the store I inquired where the fabric aisle was located, much to my dismay Michael's is more of an arts and crafts store and does not carry fabric. I knew that I would have to get creative and came across the "tie dye T-shirt" aisle and grabbed a green cotton X-large boys T-shirt, yarn, and some thread and hurried home to sew my costume. Time was not on my side as Halloween was only 2 days away. In between baby feedings, changing and some sleep, the costume was finally complete. We put on her costume and Lara cried immediately, gave us an approving laugh, and allowed us to take some pics right before demanding her sleep clothes and called it a night. Happy Halloween!

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