Monday, November 22, 2010

One Month MD Appointment and Ear Piercing

Today was a very action packed morning for Miss Lara. We had a 10:15 am appointment with her lovely pediatrician for her one month checkup. Last time was a bit hectic as we were rushing to get to the appointment on time, along with my first time driving with baby, car seat, and stroller, still recovering from birth and lack of abdominal strength, and on top of looking for metered parking to avoid any possible tickets. Nevertheless, we were determined to be early this time around. Mission accomplished today; we arrived today with 6 minutes to spare. We decided that today we would be "Very LA" and valet-definitely a great decision. We arrived to the appointment and handed over Lara's personal insurance card and awaited to see the Doc. The nurse arrived and Lara was weighed and measured and the little string bean made a lot of progress. She is now 9lbs 5 1/2 oz and 21 1/2 inches, that's a whole two more pounds heavier and 1/2 inch taller, all thanks to her mommy's milk diet. Apparently, this is all mommy's doing and the MD actually gave me a high five-I felt very proud.

We decided during the previous appointment that we would be getting Lara's ears pierced today to celebrate her monumental 1 month birthday. Lara laid on the table with eager anticipation and then before we could even react to the sight of the needle gun, there were two gold studs in her ears. She took the pain like a champ and belted out a few screams before she began to self soothe, but this was after she remembered to start breathing.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my Lord, this clip reminded me when I took my first born to the doctor for her ear piercing episode. Watching the clip makes we want to confess that it was cruel on my part to put my baby thru this ordeal and now my own child does the same to my grandchild. Lara’s piercing and heart rending screams forced streams of tears down my face (maybe because I am old and weak hearted now while young mothers are strong and a bit sadistic I must say).
    The only consolation is that Lara, cute as she is, looks even cuter. Mashallah !
    We all cannot wait to hold the bundle of joy in our arms !!
