Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Baby, Barney's, Beverly Hills, & Benji

Lara took a trip out to Beverly Hills today to accompany mommy to her dentist appointment. Pre-Thanksgiving traffic was pretty brutal and mommy and baby walked around Wilshire and Rodeo to kill some time.

Lara oohed and ahhed over some designer duds but quickly lost interest. The shopping excursion wasn't a complete bust- Lara ran into Benji Madden and his supermodel girlfriend, her first celebrity sighting.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah, I am Sommer's friend, Amritha. I have been following your blog. I love it so much. The baby is beautiful. Lara is the most beautiful name. The compassion in your writings makes me a better person. Thank you.

    Lots of love, Amritha
