Wednesday, November 3, 2010

First MD appointment (2 weeks)

Today was Lara's first MD appointment and Mommy and baby hustled to make it over on time. Unfortunately, we made it over to the doctor's office a wee bit late which is expected for a new momma driving her new baby for the very first time. Mommy was a little discombobulated as she tried to get out the car seat and stroller after circling the block many times for some suitable metered parking. We finally made it through the door of the doctors office and Lara squirmed on the cold table and needed her pink fuzzy blanket to keep herself warm. She was weighed and measured and gained a little milk weight and is now 7.6 lbs and 21 inches long. She's regained her initial lost weight and has now passed her birth weight and is feeding well. All in all a successful appointment! Next visit will be for her one month visit. She's excited to be able to celebrate her one month birthday with some shiny gold earrings!

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