Sunday, January 9, 2011

So long NYC, Hello Los Angeles

After a traditional brunch experience at Turkish Kitchen in NYC, Lara and I left NJ for our Virgin America Flight out of JFK. Her grandparents & Khala's shared a bittersweet goodbye as we entered our terminal. We had to take two cars to the airport to accommodate everyone and Lara and her bulky car seat. We arrived at the terminal with less than hour to spare and we scrambled to gather all of Lara's suitcases, car seat/accessories, booster seat, blankets, snuggle nest..etc. Lara's Naano accompanied us to the gate navigating ourselves down elevators and hallways to the security line. We utilized 8 bins and Lara, her mom, and Naano hustled to the gate.

We boarded the plane onto our Virgin America Flight, less than 6 hours until Lara gets to see her pops! Lara took it easy and fell asleep right as the plane took off. She listened to some in flight entertainment and anxiously awaited the reunion with her pops :)

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