Saturday, January 1, 2011

Midwest Tour

Lara and her mother grabbed a flight at LGA on Christmas evening to meet up with Daddy in Indianapolis for her introduction to her grandparents and phuppo. Daddy met us at the gate and we walked towards the baggage claim where Grandpa Hamid welcomed his first and only grandchild with open arms. We awaited Basma Phuppo's arrival from DC and once she arrived we all jumped into the car and headed home to join Grandma.

We were welcomed with delicious cupcakes and a beautiful cake to celebrate the birth of Lara. The week in Indiana was chock-full of desserts, dinners, and football. We celebrated Grandma's birthday dinner at the Cheesecake Factory & Lara took a seat at the booth with the family. There was a lot of of football on TV and Lara was able to show off her Colt's onesie in support of her pop's favorite team and cheer along.

As the Indiana trip winded down, Lara had a monumental milestone: Lara was given a head shave by her Grandpa. Hair today, gone tomorrow! Good thing Lara is a hat person and NYE was celebrated in all it's glamour with a party hat, lei and noisemakers! Happy New Years everybody :)

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