Friday, October 22, 2010

Homecoming - The Start of a Month of Firsts..

After two full days and two sleepless nights in the hospital, it was time for us to head home. Daddy packed up the bags and loaded the cart that the hospital provided and mommy got dressed to head home. Lara got swaddled in her take home outfit, ready to experience the outside world. After carting all of our stuff down stairs to the car, it was time to strap Lara into the car seat and head home.

The drive home from the hospital was actually more eventful than we expected. A drive that would usually take about 7 minutes door to door, took nearly a half hour. Keep in mind, it was also nearly 9pm and we really should not have had to deal with any traffic. We were in a rush to get home and meet Lara's grandparents from NJ but President Obama happened to be in town and staying in Santa Monica. His visit to LA forced daddy to make unexpected turns and detours on the way home. Luckily, Lara fell in love with her car seat immediately and enjoyed her first slumber outside the hospital.

Ultimately, we arrived home to home cooked food and flowers from the grandparents.

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