Saturday, December 25, 2010

East Coast Tour

Lara and her mom are all packed up for her East Coast Tour. The days of flying without checking bags are long gone.

It's amazing how many things Lara needed to make her trip comfortable. We packed her snuggle-nest for co-sleeping, her GroEgg to regulate temperature, baby monitor, sleep sacks, swaddle blankets, oodles of clothes, her orange house night light and of course diapers. We had a 50lb limit and with Lara and mom's clothes in one suitcase we nearly made it, clocking in at 45 lbs.Lara's first flight was direct on Virgin America where she slept most of the time and experienced her first diaper changing at 30,000 feet in the air. 5 hours later from takeoff, we arrived in NYC. Nano & Nana Jaan arrived, eagerly awaiting their first grandchild. We rushed Lara to the car as it was blistering cold & drove back to NJ to meet her khalas. Mona and Sommer Khala were anxious to meet their niece and kept calling us inquiring us when we would arrive home. Once home, Lara's grandfather even made a fire in the fireplace to make everyone feel extra toasty.

NJ was a great time, with family outings, parties, and dinners. A few days after Lara's arrival, she took her first road trip to MD to meet her new cousin, Aaliyah, who was born only a few days after. Lara is now able to add MD, DC, VA, NJ, and NY to her East Coast destinations, not too shabby for an 8 week old. Lara was able to meet more family from NY &NJ and share some Kodak moments. Time passed quickly and Lara prepared for her flight to Indiana, but not before attending her first holiday party in Long Island on Christmas Day.

Friday, December 17, 2010

MD/DC Friends & Family meet Lara

There is nothing more amazing than meeting up with friends and family. Much love to Uzma, Tina & Parwana for making the icy drive out to Maryland.

Bi-coastalism at its best! These amazing pics were taken by my dear friend and photographer Parwana.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Lara The Football Fan

Lara has become quite the avid football watcher. It's not uncommon to see her in her daddy's lap Saturday, Sunday and Monday night during Football Season cheering on the Colt's and her father's Fantasy Football Lineup. She loves the bonding and her daddy is making sure that she will grow up to be a big football fan.

Friday, December 3, 2010

1 month baby Lara

Lara enjoys spending time in her nursery, watching her mobile and some tummy time on her colorful playmat. Many a nights and days are spent rocking away in her chocolate rocker.