Sunday, February 27, 2011

Happy Baby Pose

We had a busy weekend and between sleeping, partying, working out and eating, we were pretty exhausted and definitely will need coffee Monday morning. Between running errands, Bikram Yoga, getting a haircut and brunch with old friends, we found Lara reflecting on her diaper changing table.It's amazing what you can capture with an iPhone these days.

The Oscars were tonight and we had our friend Aisha over to root for Colin Firth & Christian Bale. Her homemade spinach Daal was welcomed and a couple boxes of Girl Scout cookies were a good end to a Sunday night. The Oscars were a blur as Lara was in a 4 month growth spurt and fiendish for milk. Oh Milkaholic Lara.

Monday, February 21, 2011

President's Day Weekend

This weekend is quickly slipping away. It was raining cats and dogs pretty much all day Friday and Saturday, that a sunny Sunday was what we needed. We all had cabin fever and were happy to make the trek down to the OC for a family birthday party at the Dove Canyon Golf Club. Lara donned a white party dress, appropriate for the semi-formal dress code. There was delicious food & dessert too pretty to eat.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Date Night

We had our first date night tonight. It's hard to believe that it's been more than three months since we've been out alone together. We made all the preparations & our lovely landlord and friend, Karen, enthusiastically agreed to babysit for Lara at her apartment. It was girl's night for Karen and her daughter and Lara came prepared by packing her pj's. We left Lara not knowing what to expect since it was the first time she was left with someone other then her parents or her daycare lady.

Ahmar scored some tickets to a special screening of The Fighter at the Aero Theater in Santa Monica with a special Q&A with the director and Amy Adams. We thoroughly enjoyed the movie and it was interesting learning about the back stories of the characters and bits a pieces of the production process.

After the movie, we decided to take out some delicious hamburgers from R&D Kitchen and head home to pick up the little tyke. Karen raved about what a great baby she was and how she barely cried. We found Lara all snuggled up in her fuzzy blanket on the couch snoozing away. Daddy carried Lara back to the apartment and put her to bed. In the process of emptying her diaper bag we found a note:

'Lara was a complete joy! She likes to wiggle, loves her bottle.
Oh she likes Enya music. She's welcome anytime' -Karen

Date night was a success!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lara & Sophie the Giraffe

Lara is starting to make new friends and interact. Yesterday we caught a tender moment with her and Sophie the Giraffe.

Neither can really communicate, Lara mostly makes bubbles, smiles and gurgles and the other squeaks and squawks. It appears they have a secret language.


Lara has had a week of firsts..capturing these moments tend to be tricky. We think she might have made her first giggle, but giggling was rudely interrupted by a case of the hiccups. Last night we were able to capture Lara successfully making her thumb into her mouth. She's mastered putting her fist in her mouth and has been self soothing with her hands for quite some time. This picture is an example of pure dedication and weeks of practice.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


There has been a whole lot of yoga going on in the Masood household. Ahmar has been habitually getting his hot yoga on at Hot8Yoga for a few weeks & now Lara wants a piece of the action. Her form is a bit rudimentary but she's showing promise. If you live in Santa Monica it's hard not to catch the yoga buzz, with a yoga studio on every corner you're bound to turn into a granola loving yogi.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Daycare Happenings...

Lara is really adjusting well to her daycare. Mom and Day rush to pick her up and they never know how they will find the munchkin. Sometimes, she's on a swing, sometimes in the lap of her nanny, or in a bouncer. Sometimes she's even hiding behind her toys.